'Tis Only My Opinion!™
August 2020 - Volume 40,
Number 8

It was Valentine's Day in 1970 when we moved into our new home in Texas after leaving the high tax and increasing crime levels found in New Jersey and New York.
Now after over 50 years in our Texas abode... the time has come to
downsize and move into a retirement community. Thanks to the
Pandemic causing all types of construction delays, the original
move-in date of March 31st has slipped further and further.
Yet, it has been a blessing as we have been able to select and
reduce the accumulated papers, pictures, books, computers, clothing ... ad
infitum which a family collects.
But the move will occur sometime in the next month or so ...
Painful ... but necessary.
Is there a lesson here?
Of course ...
The Covid pandemic has downsized the private U.S. economy with
private unemployment rolls rising to unprecedented levels.

The resulting changes to the work environment will be disastrous
for many aspects of the working economy and beneficial to others.
Working from home and shopping on line are only part of the changing
landscape which may forever remake the economic landscape.
The bulk of the unemployment problem has been borne by the
private and non-profit sectors. Yet, the government sector has not
seen any significant employment shrinkage but declining tax revenues
are beginning to take a toll. However, just wait until after the
upcoming election and we might see a significant change in the
public arena also.
The federal government and the Federal Reserve's response to the
massive decline in GDP and increasing unemployment has been simply
to open the money spigot. Low interest rates have kept real
estate values in non-core population centers steady or increasing.
The mushrooming federal debt will eventually have to be paid,
refinanced and/or defaulted.
The declining U.S. economy has shrunk tax revenues and the
impasse over the new Stimulus package is largely due to the
Democratic hope for funds to bail out states run by Democrat
What's the lesson ...
The next administration ... whether headed by a Republican or a
Democrat .... will have to find a way to downsize dramatically the
bloated federal government as well as all pension, health and social
security programs.

State and local governments will also find it necessary to
evaluate all programs and pension programs.
The clock has been ticking for years but with the lockdowns
caused by the pandemic ... government downsizing is just ahead!
But then - 'Tis Only My Opinion!
Remember to:
Keep It Safe, Simple and Stay Focused!
Fred Richards
August 1, 2020
Corruptisima republica plurimae leges. [The
more corrupt a republic, the more laws.] -- Tacitus, Annals III 27
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issue of 'Tis Only My Opinion was copyrighted by Strategic Investing in 2019.
All rights reserved. Quotation with attribution is encouraged.
'Tis Only My Opinion is intended to provoke thinking, then dialogue among our