'Tis Only My Opinion!

May  2019 - Volume 39, Number 5

NC - NO -- now what?

According to the Mueller Report, the investigation into possible misdeeds by President Trump and his 2016 campaign found ... No Collusion, No Obstruction.

However, by including the line that ...

  • “while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”

Robert Mueller did something that a prosecutor should never do.  If the investigation does not provide the evidence to indict, say nothing!

Obviously, the inclusion of this statement in the Mueller Report muddied the waters for political purposes.

The Hypocrisy of the Barr Senate Hearings

Shortly after the receipt of the Mueller report by the Department of Justice a summary of the report and its conclusions were released by Atty. Gen. Barr in a four page letter to members of the Senate and House of Representatives. Robert Mueller was given the opportunity to review the letter but declined.

A day after the Barr Summary was released to Congress and the public, Mueller wrote a letter to Barr that suggested that the summary should have had more information in it. However, in a subsequent phone call upon receipt of Mueller's letter with the Atty. Gen., Mueller agreed that the Barr letter to Congress  held no inaccuracies and the conclusions were correct of "no collusion .. no obstruction."

Mueller's letter to Barr somehow found its way to the news media the evening before the Senate hearing.

During the hearing the Atty. Gen. was questioned by several Democratic presidential contenders in a manner which was not fair and balanced to say the least.

During the hearing Atty. Gen. Barr let drop that the Department of Justice was undertaking investigations into the origins of the investigations into Trump and his campaign to determine if there was a legal predicate.  This off-hand announcement set off a firestorm among Democratic Senators and the press.

According to the Special Counsel law which was passed by a Democratic majority after the Clinton Impeachment trial the Mueller Report did not have to be released at all by the Department of Justice. Atty. Gen. Barr promised to release as much of the report as he could legally do so during his confirmation hearing earlier this year.

After making the redactions necessary to comply with the law and national security, the Mueller report was released to the public within two weeks of the summary letter. 

The House Circus

Following the Senate Judiciary committee hearing,  the House of Representatives Judiciary committee was to question Atty. Gen. Barr over the Mueller report. 

However, in the House of Representatives, the Judiciary Committee chairman was Jerry Nadler, a Democrat. Nadler decided that after questions by each of the committee members the Atty. Gen. would be questioned by committee lawyers. This procedure would change 200+ years for interviewing witnesses within the judiciary committee

Of course the Atty. Gen. refused to accept these conditions and decided not to appear before the committee.

The refusal to accept the new conditions  infuriated Nadler. Nadler then demanded that the full unredacted Mueller report be released to the public despite the violation of the law. Nadler had access to the full report in the scif room within a short walk from his office. However, he had not taken the time to read the over 400 page unredacted report in the scif room nor the public report.

Of course. Barr refused to subject himself to being questioned by committee lawyers. Apparently, committee members (the majority of whom are lawyers) are unable to adequately question Barr themselves and are unable to read questions handed to them by Democratic committee lawyers.

It was all a circus!

But Nadler then demanded subpoena's for Barr and began threatening censure and/or impeachment. One committee member even showed up in the hearing room with a box of Kentucky Fried Chicken implying that Barr was a chicken for not appearing before the committee.

Questions that need to be answered.

According to John Dowd, the President's attorney, Mueller knew that there was no collusion by December 2017. However, Mueller kept the investigation going.

The continuance of the investigation served several purposes ...

  • to keep a cloud over the Trump Presidency
  • to help the Democrats use the investigation to advantage Democratic candidates in the 2018 election
  • to pressure witnesses into making process crimes
  • and to cause severe financial penalties to those being investigated for being Trump supporters.

Based upon the emails which have been made public by Judicial Watch, there would appear to be significant bias against Trump and his entourage among members of both the FBI, the Justice Department lawyers, as well as members of the Obama intelligence agencies.

Hopefully, further investigation will discover whether there was a legal predicate for the investigations which started this mess. If not, people ought to serve time in jail.

Stop the Circus

Former FBI director James Comey & Atty. Gen. Loretta Lynch deep-sixed the Clinton email investigation where communication devices were destroyed in violation of subpoenas and classified material was found on the Clinton non-secure server.

For the government to imply that Clinton's email could not be found is simply false and misleading. The NSA probably has them as well as the Chinese. They were on Weiner's laptop as well.

The Mueller Report suggests that it was the Russians that hacked the DNC servers. That might have been true.

 But it is more likely that Seth Rich downloaded the data onto a thumb drive which then made its way to Wikileaks. Of course, Rich's untimely death is also similar to many individuals formerly associated with the Clinton machine.

The Upcoming Counter-Punch

President Trump has indicated that he will declassify the FISA warrants and most of the internal documents from the FBI and Department of Justice as well as the intelligence agencies that participated in the collusion narrative of the past almost three years.

Barr's inquiries into the legal predicate for the investigations into Trump and his campaign should cause several former FBI, Justice Department and intelligence operatives a few sleepless nights.

While there is been much speculation that the misdeeds have been condoned by a small group of individuals at both the FBI and the Department of Justice, something does not ring true.

Failure to object to unlawful activities tarnishes rank and file members of the FBI and Department of Justice and the intelligence agencies that participated in these illegal activates, if any.

The Horowitz investigation which should be released late May or early June will provide further evidence into the bias and activities of certain members of law enforcement.

Also, John Huber's investigation into leaks to the media from government officials will add more to the unraveling story.

There may be several former high-ranking government officials that will need sleeping pills in the coming months.

Can Justice survive?

For the United States of America to remain a representative democracy there can only be one standard -- equal justice under the law.

Otherwise, the United States is on the slippery slope to becoming a banana republic and the U.S. constitution will be destroyed by activist judges.

But then - 'Tis Only My Opinion!

Remember to:

Keep It Safe, Simple and Stay Focused!

Fred Richards
May 6, 2019


Corruptisima republica plurimae leges. [The more corrupt a republic, the more laws.] -- Tacitus, Annals III 27

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