'Tis Only My Opinion!™
September 2018 -
Volume 38, Number 9
110 Months ... and
The long-term upward thrust of
the market continues. The question is whether it will continue. Let
us take a look at where the market and the economy is and then at
what might be problems going forward.
A Good Week
The last week of August 2018 saw the market
set a new all-time high for the NASDAQ. The
major indices all
managed to close in higher ground for the
week o as seen

Friday's closing and year-to-date prices of selected indices are shown below:
So far this year, the FAANGNOSH stocks have performed
very well as shown in the table below. For the year to
date, only SBUX was really in the red while FB was nearly flat.
NFLX was up 79% in the last 8 months.
With the major indices making new record highs this
week, the action of the FAANGNOSH stocks should not have been a
surprise. The FAANGNOSH index is shown below.
The question is why don't you have most of these stocks in your
The "A" Rated Stocks
During the past week, the "A" rated stocks gained
ground but fell slightly on Thursday. However, the "A" rated
stocks have not shown much strength in the last few weeks
fluctuating around the red zone. One interpretation is that major
institutions remain wary of this market and maybe selling stocks
into the market.

Group Performance
Group performance this week was mostly positive despite the
performance of the basic materials and utility sectors as shown in the following
chart courtesy of finviz.com.
The Simple Timing Indicator (STI) is positive.
The Simple
Timing Indicator (STI) for both the NASDAQ and the S&P 500
remains positive this week as shown below.

The VIX remains low
The VIX continues to show little concern as seen in the following
Economic News
Gross Domestic Product
Markets were moved higher with the release of the GDP report for
the 2nd quarter of 2018 showing a growth of 4.2%
Strength in consumer spending was shaved slightly while contraction
in residential investment deepened slightly, factors however
outweighed by upward revisions to both nonresidential fixed
investment and government purchases with revisions to inventories
and net exports also slightly favorable. The net result is a 2
tenths upward revision to second-quarter GDP to a 4.2% annualized rate.
Consumer spending is now at a 3.8% growth rate vs. 4.0%
in the first estimate. Spending on both durables and non-durables
was lowered, to a still enormously strong 8.6% for the former
and to 3.7% for the latter, with spending on services
unchanged at 3.1%.
Residential investment was at minus 1.1% in the first
estimate and is now at minus 1.6% in the second estimate.
Nonresidential fixed investment gets a sizable 1.2% point
upgrade to an enormously strong 8.5 % with components for
equipment, now at 4.4%, and intellectual property, at 11.0%, both revised higher.

However, we need to reflect upon all the changes which have been and
are being made in the calculation of GDP in order to make an
informed decision.
The SGS-Alternate GDP reflects the inflation-adjusted, or real,
year-to-year GDP change, adjusted for distortions in government
inflation usage and methodological changes that have resulted in a
built-in upside bias to official reporting.

The Housing Market Index for August 2018

Housing Starts for July 2018
came in at 1.168 M homes or a slight increase from the revised level
of June 2018. New building permits were reported at
1.311 M for July 2018 and were above the consensus estimate of 1.307

The Mortgage Bankers Association Mortgage
Applications Composite Index was negative (-1.7%) in the
week ending August 24th. The Purchase Index was
lower (-6.0%). The Refinance Index also fell -3.0%.
Interest rates moved lower, with the average rate
on conforming 30-year fixed mortgages ($453,100 or less) down basis
points to 4.78%.
New Home Sales for July 2018 reported a decline
from 631,000 to 627,000 homes.

Existing Home Sales for July 2018 were under
the consensus expectation and below June's 5.380 M level at
5.340 M or a decline of 0.7%.

The Housing Market Index for August
2018 fell to its lowest reading since September 2017 as
rising construction costs held down builder confidence levels.

The Richmond Fed Manufacturing Index for August 2018
was strong rising from 20 to 24.
The Dallas Fed General Activity Index was lower
in the August 2018 report.
The production index, a key measure of state manufacturing
conditions, held steady at 29.3.

The Durable Goods report for July 2018
was affected by concerns
over possible tariff levies and a decline in orders for

Employment & Jobless Claims
New Jobless Claims on a seasonally-adjusted
basis for the week ending August 25th rose 3,000 to 213,000.
The July 2018 Employment Situation Report was
touted by the politicians and bureaucrats as showing that the
economy was near full-employment and that wages were increasing.
However, only 157,000 new jobs were added to the non-farm
payroll line of which 146,000 were added via the birth/death
rate adjustment.

What is the real unemployment rate? John Williams analysis shows
that the July 2018 rate is much higher at 21.3%. It is simply
amazing what can be done by changing parameters and definitions.

Financial News
According to the H.4.1 report for the August 29th week, the
Federal Reserve's Balance Sheet
totaled $4.219 trillion in the August 29 week, down $9.9 billion
from the prior week and down $241.5 billion from the beginning of
balance sheet unwinding in October 2017.
Treasury holdings were $2.325 trillion in the August 29 week, up
$0.1 billion from the prior week and down $140.9 billion since
October. Treasuries are scheduled to decline to $2.309 trillion by
month end.
Though the unwinding of mortgage-back securities (MBS) is
significantly behind schedule, MBS holdings did decline $9.7 billion
during the week to $1.697 trillion for a $71.2 billion decrease since October. MBS
were scheduled to decline to $1.680 trillion at the end of July with
$1.664 trillion the target for the end of August. Note that
mortgage-backed unwinding can be uneven due to unscheduled
prepayments of principal as well as timing differences in payments
and settlements.
The largest factor draining reserves in the week were MBS.
Reserve Bank credit for the August 29 week decreased $4.2 billion
after decreasing $27.2 billion in the prior week.
The yield on the 10-year U.S. Treasury note
was higher closing the week at 2.853%.
The 30-year U.S. Treasury bond also closed
higher at 3.010%.
The Bank Index was under pressure thanks to the
Jackson Hole meetings and the anticipation
of another rate hike by the FED probably at the next FED meeting.
Energy Sector
The Baker Hughes North American rig count
for the week ending August 31st is shown in the following table.
Crude Oil Inventories
fell 2.6 million barrels in the August 24 week to 405.8 million,
11.4 percent below their level a year ago. Product inventories
also declined, with gasoline down 1.6 million barrels to 232.8
million, 1.2 percent above the year ago level, and distillates
down 0.8 million barrels to 130.0 million, down 12.8 percent
West Texas Intermediate Crude (WTIC) continued to rebound and ended
the week at $69.80/bbl. Brent crude also
closed higher this week at $77.71/bbl. this week
increasing the differential between the two benchmarks.
Natural Gas in storage rose 70 billion cubic feet in the August 24 week to
2,505 bcf. The eighteenth consecutive weekly build of the
injection season was larger than the 30 bcf increase registered
last year at this time and exceeded the 65 bcf average build in
the comparable week over the last 5 years. Gas stocks were 20.5
percent below their level a year ago and 19.0 percent below the
5-year average for the period. For the fifth week in a row, gas
stocks were also below the 5-year historical range for this time
of year.

Natural Gas closed the week at $2.96/mmcf
up 5 cents on the week.
The U.S. Dollar Index continued under pressure
closing this week at 95.08. The Euro (XEU)
managed to close lower on the week at 116.12.
The Japanese yen lost ground this past
week closing at 87.97. The Market
Vectors Chinese Renminbi/USD was up slightly during the week closing
higher at 42.70.
Gold closed lower on the week at
$1,206.70/oz. Silver was also under pressure during the week
closing at $14.44 per ounce.
Copper also ended lower on the week closing
at $2.67 per lb.
Agricultural Sector
The U.S. Drought Monitor continues to deteriorate.
Frontal systems brought thunderstorms and some heavy rainfall to parts
of the Plains, the Midwest, and the South. While rainfall was
enough to reduce or alleviate drought conditions in some places,
such as Arkansas, northern Missouri, Kansas, Wisconsin, and
Michigan, it wasn’t enough in other areas, such as southwestern
Missouri and Idaho, as deficits and impacts remain. This past
week saw temperatures slightly below average across much of the
nation, with areas of eastern Montana and western North Dakota
4-8 degrees F cooler than normal, which helped to slow, but not
halt, drought development. Conversely, parts of the Southwest,
Texas, and areas along the eastern northern tier of the U.S.
were well above their average temperatures. In Texas, notably,
the widespread heat exacerbated evolving and ongoing drought.

Corn ($3.65/bu) rallied to close slightly higher
after bouncing off a low of $3.55 this week. Soybeans
($8.435/bu) continued to fall during the week. Wheat ($5.45/bu.)
bounced higher during the week.
The CRB index was higher for the
second straight week closing at 192.96 this week.
Issues that might create problems for investors going forward.
Here are some of the issues that could create problems for the
market going forward.
- Trying to maintain a 4% GDP growth rate
- Will the tax cut effect become a drag on earnings going
- Stock buybacks have played an important part in keeping the
market moving upward. Will it continue?
- According to the government, we now have more jobs than
people working, yet the true unemployment number remains
according to ShadowStats at 21.3%.
- The FED has promised to continue raising interest rates for
the next year or beyond. When will that begin to really effect
consumer lending and housing?
- The U.S. stated federal cash debt level continues to move
towards $21 trillion at the current rate of a $1 trillion per
year despite record tax revenues. The actual GAAP federal
debt level is north of $230 trillion and according to the latest
GAAP report the debt stands at nearly $45 trillion on a
discounted cash flow basis.
- Both Russia and China are disposing of U.S. sovereign debt.
Is the FED monetizing these bonds?
- What will be the impact on the market if the Republicans
keep both the House and Senate in the upcoming election or lose
the House?
- China and Russia are currently holding the largest joint
military games for what purpose?
- What would a withdrawal from Afghanistan mean to military
Strategic Investing Stock Watch List

Remember to:
Keep It Safe, Simple and Stay Focused!
But then 'Tis Only My Opinion!
Fred Richards
September 1, 2018
Corruptisima republica plurimae leges. [The
more corrupt a republic, the more laws.] -- Tacitus, Annals III 27
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