'Tis Only My Opinion!™
June 2018 - Volume
38, Number 6
Swamp Draining is
Can you even define the Swamp?
Candidate Donald J. Trump often spoke on the
campaign trail about draining the swamp. As President-Elect, and
later as President, Trump found himself surrounded by many of the
Obama administration office holdover's and his own appointees who
were discovered to be creatures of the swamp.
This administration has been in office for
almost 500 days and still thanks to the tactics of Senate Democrats, the
Trump presidency still has many officials who require Senate
approval being denied a vote which is required before they can
assume their positions. As of January 2018, the Senate, where the Democratic minority has held up many nominees, had
confirmed 241 Trump nominees, while another 136 nominations were
The Russian Collusion Farce
The major old-line news media continues to attempt to justify the
Mueller investigation of Russian/Trump tampering with the 2016
election but to date there is not one shred of evidence linking the
Trump campaign with the narrative. Of course, the Department
of Justice, FBI and other security agencies continue to slow walk
the production of documents which various Congressional committees
with Constitutional oversight authority have demanded.
The code name ‘Crossfire Hurricane’ likely refers to Christopher
Steele and helps explain Stefan Halper’s job: to get Trump campaign
figures to ‘corroborate’ the dossier. Whether it began
on July 30, 2016 or earlier is murky. Still only a very small group
of top-level FBI personnel were privy to the operation.
We know that the so-called dossier was paid for by the Clinton
campaign thru its cut-outs and that Bruce Ohr's wife worked for
Fusion GPS. The British ex-MI5 member Steele was an FBI informant and
is credited with creating the dossier. To date, much, if not
all, of the dossier has been debunked.
Still the dossier served as part, if not the major part, of the
FISA application which was used to initiate electronic surveillance
on Carter Page, a low-level member of the Trump foreign policy
ad-hoc group of volunteers. Working with British intelligence, the
electronic intercepts failed to find evidence of collusion between
the Trump campaign and Russia.
More importantly, collusion is not a crime!
At this moment, the only thing that Mueller has is indictments
and guilty pleas for process crimes. In the Manafort case, Mueller
has violated the statute of limitations to pressure Manafort to
plead guilty or flip on Trump. In the Flynn case, there may very
well be a reversal of the guilty plea as exculpatory evidence was
not given to Flynn's defense lawyers.
Some Constitutional lawyers believe that the whole Mueller
investigation is unconstitutional as the charging document cites no
crime as required by the Constitution and the procedures of the
Department of Justice. Moreover, the revision to the original
charging document for the Mueller independent counsel continues to
hide behind the veil of "national security."
The Hazy Time-Line
There were many strings to the attempt to delegitimize the Trump
Presidency. In fact, almost every day, a new revelation is found that
suggests that the Swamp-creatures were organizing well before the
2016 election to:
- White-wash the problem with Hillary Clinton's private e-mail
servers and her health issues.
- Dig up dirt on any Republican candidate prior to the
Republican convention.
- Intensify dirty-trick efforts on the Republican nominee
after the convention.
- If Hillary Clinton failed to win the election, develop ways
to frustrate the incoming President and to delay the Senate
confirmation of any new administration nominees.
It is obvious from what has been now discovered that there
were many factions within the Obama administration that were
involved in attempting to circumvent the results of the electoral
college in the 2016 election.
So many players, so many narratives that even the investigators
get confused. Moreover, the delays in getting data released is often due to trying to hide the revelations in the
"midst of Friday night dumps and the public's short attention span."
Redactions and Revisions in the name of "National Security"
What a joke! The following is an example of the FBI and the
Department of Justice redactions in the name of "don't embarrass the
players" or CYA! Can you identify anything that even loosely borders
on "national security."

Oversight and Refusal to provide documentation
According to the Constitution, Congress has oversight of the
Executive Branch of government. Hence, its requests for information
and documents are lawful. However, as we have seen multiple times
over various administrations, the Executive Branch often slow-walks
or even ignores these requests which could create a Constitutional
Crisis if push comes to shove.
Congress has the power of the purse and the subpoena to enforce
its requests. However, in most cases, it is only an empty threat and
often ignored by various agencies.
Many government bureaucrats consider themselves permanent
fixtures and entitled to draw a substantial pension. Civil Service
rules have made it difficult to remove from office individuals who
refuse to recognize Congressional oversight requests.
As a result, President Trump has discovered that the swamp is
indeed difficult to drain.
What really frightens both Democrats and Republicans.
In the last week, we have seen Trey Gowdy and Paul Ryan both
break ranks with the Trump administrations views regarding the
various ongoing investigations.
Could it be that the Clinton investigation could as well as the Trump/Russian
collusion investigation lead directly to the Obama White-House?
What would be the implication of indicting a former U.S.
With a seriously divided electorate, the implications are fraught
with danger. Perhaps, politicians are willing to destroy the U.S. by
having a two-tiered justice system.
But will the voters?
After all, they still want to drain the swamp!
But then - 'Tis Only My Opinion!
Fred Richards
June 1, 2018
Corruptisima republica plurimae leges. [The
more corrupt a republic, the more laws.] -- Tacitus, Annals III 27
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