'Tis Only My Opinion!™
July 2018 - Volume
38, Number 7
Elections Matter!
The Kennedy retirement and its implications
The retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy from the U.S. Supreme
Court clearly brought into focus the problem of "Trump Derangement Syndrome."
Immediately following the retirement announcement effective at the end
of July 2018, both Democratic politicians and liberal
commentators along with the progressive media immediately began to question the legitimacy
of any of President Donald J. Trump's nominees for the Supreme
It is no secret that groups associated with the abolishment of
Roe vs. Wade had vetted a list of 25 judges from which President
Trump might select to fill vacancies on the federal benches. Many of
these groups were clearly in favor of the repeal of Roe vs. Wade
which was a position taken by Trump during the campaign..
The media and many Senators are urging that President Trump not
ask about a Supreme Court nominees position on the issue. Of
course, they should understand that any on the list are probably
strict constitutionalists as well as Pro-Life based upon how the
list was selected. Trump has no need to ask about any candidate's position
on Roe vs. Wade.
During the Obama Administration the Democrats changed the Senate rules
requiring only a simple majority for confirmation. Hence, their
efforts and stalling tactics probably will not succeed in blocking
Trump's second nominee to the Supreme Court. Hence,
Trump's nominee will change the balance of power back towards the limitations
set by the Constitution.
What should seriously concern the
progressive left is what might occur if a third justice is named by
President Trump!
Roe vs. Wade
The liberal establishment is concerned that the 1973
decision in Roe the versus Wade on abortion may be overturned.
An analysis published by the National Right to Life committee
early 2018 indicated there have been an estimated 60,069,971
abortions since the Supreme Court handed down its 1973 Roe vs. Wade
decision which allowed virtually unlimited abortions.

After reaching a high of over 1.6 million in 1990 the number of
abortions annually performed in the US has dropped back to levels
not seen since the late 1970s. Abortion is taken a terrible toll on
America we've now lost more than 60 million of our sons daughters
friends and neighbors and we are a much poor nation for it.
The number of abortions since 1973 amounts to about
18% of our current total population of about 325 million.
Gun-Deaths versus Abortion
Mass shootings in schools are a problem that finds ample coverage in
the media. While liberal politicians make immediate calls for more gun control laws, the number
of deaths from abortion is vastly higher. In 2014 as shown above
about 926,190 abortions were performed in the U.S.
Murders, not
including suicides, from all guns in the same year was only 8,124 according
to the official FBI statistics, or less than 0.9% of the number
of abortions in the same period.
Moreover, abortions cause major demographic changes in the
country over several decades which are barely noted by politicians
and citizens.
Separation of children from their parents -- both illegal
immigrants and U.S. citizens
Progressives have recently begun wailing
about the permanent separation of children from their families as we
have seen in the illegal immigrant mess on the southern border.
The demonstrations about a few children who are illegal is simply
political theatre. The separation policy has been in effect for many
years and is not just a policy initiated during the Trump administration.
Of course, it is simply another manifestation of the "Trump
Derangement Syndrome" as well as many having emotional concerns
rather than looking clearly at the law and applying it equally. Of
course, the laws could be changed but in the present political
environment, that is highly unlikely.
Nor is there much anguish and protests about the separation of
those Mom's and Dad's who might be arrested and are unable to make
bail from being with their children.
The Pew Charitable Trust estimated that there were about 2.3
million people in jail or prison in 2016. The report found that 1.2
million inmates or more than half of the incarcerated population
were parents of children under 18. Two-thirds of those incarcerated
parents were serving time for nonviolent crime while one third were
serving time for violent crime.
Obviously, progressives are more concerned about 2,200 children
being separated from their illegal immigrant parents than the
children of the 1.2 million U.S.citizens that are incarcerated.
Just how many children did those 1.2 million incarcerated
citizens have? Where's the outrage and protests?
Moving the I.G. Report off the front page
Isn't it just simply amazing how the focus has shifted from acts
which might have resulted in an attempt to derail the candidacy of
Donald J. Trump during the 2016 election and thereafter implement
measures to simply harass and obstruct his agenda.
Were just a few F.B.I. and Department of Justice employees
involved in the attempt to derail and impede Trump's election and
subsequent administration? Or are employees at other agencies
involved, e.g., the CIA, NSA, etc. Reading the 500 page IG report
suggests that it was more than just a few high-level employees
involved. Where is the unredacted version?
Depending on your political view, your answers to the following
few questions can determine whether you believe our country is a
democracy or a constitutional republic.
Just a few questions which should be asked...
- How did the protests about the separation of illegal
immigrants at the border under Trump and their children
become such a tinder-box over-night?
- Who orchestrated these demonstrations on the border?
- What was their rationale?
- Where was the outrage over the Obama and Bush
administrations' immigration policy?
- Why doesn't President Trump just declassify everything that
might involve the Russian collusion case and the Clinton e-mail
Obviously, he has the constitutional authority to do so.
Hasn't this circus gone on long enough?
Or is Trump afraid of riots in the streets if the trail leads to
the highest levels of the Obama administration?
The real question is simply ... do we believe in equal
justice for all ,or does the U.S. have a two-tiered justice
system. If it is the latter, our country is on a very slippery slope
and the grand experiment which began in 1776 will fade away in the near term.
Of course, elections matter and the "deplorables" continue to want
the swamp drained.
Hope you have an enjoyable 242nd Fourth of July!

But then - 'Tis Only My Opinion!
Fred Richards
July 1, 2018
Corruptisima republica plurimae leges. [The
more corrupt a republic, the more laws.] -- Tacitus, Annals III 27
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