'Tis Only My Opinion!™
November 2017 -
Volume 37, Number 11
Outside the Bubble
Many journalists have a hard time understanding that they are
out-of-touch with a majority of voters. The White House
journalists in particular seem to suffer from Trump Derangement
Syndrome. If you watch the White House press briefings, you would
think that the Trump/Russia collusion investigation was the only
thing that mattered.
study prepared by the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and
Public Policy at Harvard reveals a shocking level of media bias
against President Trump.

In July 2016, we first saw that Donald Trump
had a real chance to win the Presidential Election. We were on a
trip to Idaho and ran into a Basque convention at a motel where we
were staying in Boise. Also staying at the motel were a group of
about 20 bikers on their way to Sturgis, S.D. that were from
Portland, Oregon.
The Basque had a great food and drink layout
and invited all the motel guests to partake and mingle. Needless to
say, politics came up. After about an hour, they decided to
see what might be the preferences amoung the various Republican and
Democrat Presidential candidates. Donald Trump easily took
over 70% of the total votes with Bernie Sanders getting the next
highest level at 9%.
For those who don't know ... the Basque are
independent but normally Democratic voters. I senses a sea-change
was occurring.
The election proved that the main-stream
media and most of those who lived outside of the major metropolitan
areas were resisting the liberal propanganda found in most
television news shows, academic institutions and news outlets.
Unfortuantely, the major commentators were
simply speaking to their own kind.
The following map shows how the popular vote
was skewed by the major metropolitan areas.

As the map clearly shows, in areas where the
greatest amount of public welfare exists, i.e., the metropolitan
areas, voters clearly have learned the lesson of voting for those
politicians providing the most largesse.
Moreover, since our public schools place
little emphasis on teaching about our form of government which is a
constitutional republic and not a democracy, the popular vote which
Hillary Clinton won is often cited as a reason for the Trump
Derangement Syndrome.
Unfortunately, it is the electoral vote that
The wisdom of our founding fathers simply
continues to amaze me.
But then - 'Tis Only My Opinion!
Fred Richards
November 1, 2017
Corruptisima republica plurimae leges. [The
more corrupt a republic, the more laws.] -- Tacitus, Annals III 27
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