Do you remember Wyckoff?
Richard Wyckoff is considered by many as one of the early
pioneers in the analysis of how stocks reacted to changing
conditions. By studying the actions of many of the leading investors
and traders of the early 20th century including
Jesse Livermore,
E. H. Harriman,
James R. Keene,
Otto Kahn,
J.P. Morgan, and many other large operators of the day.
Wyckoff was able to define a trading methodology which has been
the basis for many succeeding gurus.
Wyckoff analyzed these market operators and their operations, and
determined where risk and reward were optimal for trading. He
emphasized the placement of stop-losses at all times, the importance
of controlling the risk of any particular trade, and he demonstrated
techniques used to campaign within the large trend (bullish and
bearish). The Wyckoff technique may provide some insight as to how
and why professional interests buy and sell securities, while
evolving and scaling their market campaigns with concepts such as
the "Composite Operator".
Why am I focusing on Wyckoff today? It is because of his volume
price analysis work which many consider to be his greatest
contribution to technical analysis.
Volume Price Analysis
As the market moves towards new highs the one weakness appears to
be a lack of verification by volume. My old mentor would call the
action of the recent market gains a situation where institutions
were selling into strength which they were manufacturing. The
following three charts from of the major indices
shows that despite the market hitting new record highs, volume was
mostly below the 50 day moving average of volume.

With all the uncertainty facing the world along with the
disconnect between hard and soft data it would appear that the lack
of volume could well be a warning sign that the markets 94 months of
uptrend could be in jeopardy.
As a result, it would behoove cautious investors to maintain as
Wyckoff advocated strict stop losses on each of their market
But then - 'Tis Only My Opinion!
Fred Richards
June 3, 2017
Corruptisima republica plurimae leges. [The
more corrupt a republic, the more laws.] -- Tacitus, Annals III 27
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