'Tis Only My Opinion!™
December 2017 -
Volume 37, Number 12
The Circus is in trouble!
As a youngster, it was always an exciting
time to watch the circus train come into town and see the tent going
up with the help of elephants. Each time the big tent was put up in
the Boise Fair Grounds, it was fascinating to watch the roustabouts,
circus performers and animals quickly moving in a well-rehearsed
routine so that the show could go on without delay.
The circus tent only held three rings so the
children could focus on one act at a time.

Now, thanks to animal rights activists, that
experience has disappeared and children will no longer get to see a
well-choreographed assembly putting up the giant circus tent. In
fact, the Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey circus is now gone.

As a child, it was always a thrill and
experience to attend the circus each year including getting to
sample cotton candy floss.
Now compare that experience with the
political circus that exists in Washington, D.C.
The Circus in Washington
In Washington, there are multiple rings under the tent ...

Since the surprising results of the 2016
Presidential election, some of the various Washington Ring's have
been aimed at slowing and/or destroying the result of that election
in which Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton. Almost immediately,
there began an effort to invalidate the results of the
constitutional republic's election as supporters of the democratic
nominee were devastated with the results.
A year after the election, we have multiple Congressional
investigations into so-called "Russian collusion", a main-stream
media that is publishing almost 90% of its stories that is critical
of the President Trump and a Independent Counsel investigation being
conducted by members with apparent biases which should have caused
them to recuse themselves from the investigation.
Despite all the side-shows swirling around President Trump, his
agenda has not been totally defeated. In fact, with the exception of
repealing Obamacare, the Trump administration has made progress on many fronts
which he had promised to implement during the campaign.
There are many sideshows (roadblocks) facing Trump's agenda:
- A divided Congress where the Democrats have little interest
in solving the nations problems with the Republican House and
Senate majorities.
- Many members of the Republican majorities who don't want to
upset the old ways of the UniParty.
- A government largely staffed by Obama holdovers as
many of the Trump nominees are still not approved by the Senate
after almost 10 months since the inauguration/
- The growing number of women asserting unwanted behavior by
prominent male members of the entertainment, media and political
organizations resulting in resignations without benefit of due
Perhaps, the Inspector General's report on the FBI handling of
the Clinton emails and the Russian dossier will finally bring the
spotlight onto the main ring of the cabal trying to overthrow the
results of the election of 2016. But don't count on it.
The country remains divided and truth as well as common sense has
largely disappeared from the our political circus.
It all is about power ... political power and the UniParty does
not want the swamp to be drained.

To drain the swamp, the deplorables will have to make a few
changes to our constitution including:
- Limit Senators to four terms of office and Congress members
15 terms of office, with the provision that the total amount of
time to be spent in governmental service at any level city,
county, state and/or federal both as an elected representative
or an employee be a total of 20 years with the exception of
Senators who might serve for 24 years.
- Individuals except for Senators can only work for the
government for a total of 20 years at the city, county, state
and/or federal level with the exception of those in the military
including the Coast Guard and in the judicial branch.
- All federal judges must retire at age 75.
- Reduce the number of executive branch positions requiring
Senate confirmation with the stipulation that once nominated
action must be resolved within 30 days.
But then - 'Tis Only My Opinion!
Fred Richards
December 1, 2017
Corruptisima republica plurimae leges. [The
more corrupt a republic, the more laws.] -- Tacitus, Annals III 27
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