'Tis Only My Opinion!™
January 2016 - Volume
36, Number 1
"Looking for New Elephants"
What is an Elephant?
An elephant is an investment which will return more than 10 times
your initial investment. Often, the biggest elephants are to
be found not by scanning for stocks but by observing the world
around you and seeing potential opportunities that have the ability
to change the way people think, use technology or make the world a
better place.
Examples of recent elephant stocks are the so-called FANG
stocks: Facebook, Apple, Netflix and Google. Also, the so-called
NOSH stocks including: as follows: NIKE, O'Reilly, Starbucks & Home

While these eight stocks were responsible for
most of the gains in the S&P 500 during 2015 and might well continue
to show the way forward in 2016, their current size makes them less
likely to continue to be elephant stocks in the future.
Where do we search for new elephants?

Obviously, we won't find them by traveling on a sightseeing jaunt
to see elephants in Africa. In finding past elephants, it was a
requirement to keep abreast of technology and what the 12-17
year-old groups were doing as they were generally the trend setters.
We are looking at the following sectors which might provide stocks
which meet the elephant criteria in the future.
Sectors in which future elephants might be found are:

DNA & Bio-Tech dealing with Regenerative
Stem Cell research to add years to life
DNA and Stem Cell research to cure diseases.
EMP (Electro-Magnetic Pulse)

EMP Protection
Protection of all digital-stored media

Prevention of hacking and falsification of
But remember "Privacy has been dead since

Food factories - Lettuce, Carrots, Radishes,
Potatoes, etc.
Waste Reduction & Conversion

Star-Wars Transportation

Cell separation and regeneration at a
different physical location via networks either physical or using
non-physical phenomena.
"Future Activity"
Activities that replace "meaningful work" for
9 billion people as automation replaces workers at all levels. This
is the biggest challenge to our way of life.
Finding new elephants is hard and once they are discovered, it
takes an investor who can handle the drawdowns and rebuy when
necessary to ride the rollercoaster of investor ups and downs while
staying committed to the long view.
But there will always be opportunities to invest successfully.
Sometimes it means staying out of the market and being in cash and/or equivalent ... and other times it means
holding a view which is definitely in the minority.
The key is to understand the reality of the economy and not the
"hope" presented by the government and/or the press. Successful
investing is really simple. Buy stocks with increasing sales,
increasing profits and positive cash flow.
But then - 'Tis Only My Opinion!
Fred Richards
January 4, 2016
Corruptisima republica plurimae leges. [The
more corrupt a republic, the more laws.] -- Tacitus, Annals III 27
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