'Tis Only My Opinion!™
August 2016 - Volume 36,
Number 8
"Leaning to the Upside?"
The Current Market as of July 29, 2016
The S&P 500 gained 0.16% and the NASDAQ 0.14% in quiet and choppy
trading as the market vacillated around yesterday's closing levels
before managing to close slightly above that level. Volume on both
the S&P 500 and the NASDAQ was slightly higher than Thursday.
Most major indices remain well above their 50-day moving averages.

The Ministry of Truth (MOT) revised lower its estimate of
GDP for the 1st and then suggested that the 2nd Quarter 2016's
initial was slightly higher at 1.1%. Hence, all is well with the
market? But isn't the U.S. really in a recession? Did you forget
that the calculation for GDP was revised in the 2nd Quarter of 2014
... those revisions added another 3% to the GDP calculations on an
annual basis.
John Williams of Shadow Government Statistics
data ignores the multiple revisions to how GDP has been
calculated by the Ministry of Truth since 1980 suggests that reality
is much different that the hype put forth by the Keynesian

Moreover, the CASS Freight Index continues its
downward trend. And if freight isn't moving, the economy is
not growing. It is really as simple as that. While some of the
decline can be attributed to Obama's war on coal, the trend remains
down on a y/y basis.

Still most indices except the DJIA and the Transports were in the
black today while the Gold Bugs Index (HUI) gained 2.1% to lead the indices. The
continued increase in this index while the equity indices move
higher is out-of-character. It is doubtful if a new paradigm is
Gold was higher as the U.S. dollar came under pressure thanks
largely to a weak U.S. Economic outlook.

The economy is in terrible shape and headlines this week show
that once again. Two headlines in particular that are most
disturbing are: "Deutsche Bank Profit Plunges 98% And The Worst Is
Yet To Come," and "Ford Plunges After Warning, We Don’t See Growth,
Warns US Auto Industry Has Plateaued."
War drums are beating louder with warnings continually coming for
Russia and China against the United States. The Russians and Chinese
have announced a joint naval exercise in the disputed waters of the
South China Sea. War tensions are rising and not receding.
Not only is there an outflow from U.S. Mutual Funds in 2016 but
an Exodus from European equity funds goes on as $76B pulled this
year: The FT cited weekly flow data by EPFR, which showed that the
exodus from European equity funds entered its 25th consecutive week,
draining portfolios of $76B YTD amid uncertainties over the
implications of the Brexit vote and a crisis in the Italian banking
Closing prices of selected indices are shown below:
The Simple Timing
Indicator (STI) for both the NASDAQ and the S&P 500 remain
Economic News
The Ministry of Truth (MOT) released its first estimate of
GDP for the 2nd Quarter of 2016 estimating growth
at a 1.2% rate as seen in the table below. Note that the Q2 estimate
was significantly below the consensus guess. MOT's GDP Price
Index shot up to a 2.2% inflation rate in the second
quarter. Let's see ... energy costs lower, agricultural
commodities falling ... the big driver must be rents.

The Employment Cost Index for the 2nd Quarter
2016 held steady at 0.6% while the y/y comparison was up 2.3%. With
a slight uptick in both the ECI and its Wages & Salaries component,
Federal Reserve Chairwomen Janet Yellen believes that we are near
full-employment. Really?

The Chicago Business Barometer Index for July
2016 declined from 56.8 in June to 55.8 .. formerly known as the
Chicago Purchasing Managers Index.
The final reading of the University of Michigan's
Consumer Sentiment in July 2016 was about where it was at
mid-July, at 90.0 and down a sizable 3.5 points from June's final
reading of 93.5.

The Baker-Hughes North American Rig Count rose
from 564 to 582 indicating that energy companies are more confident
that oil prices are stabilizing. The rig count has increased five
weeks in a row. Or is the increase simply that oil companies
must pump even at these prices to meet their cash-flow problems?
Just take a look around you. Tell me what is really growing
except in isolated sectors.
We have seen brokerage houses tout earnings "beats" but ignore
GAAP comparisons on a yearly quarter to quarter basis. The
effect of "buy-backs" and financial engineering continue to move the
market higher along with historic low rates. A close look at
both Citi and Bank of America financials and some of the notes from
their reports should cause most investors to be cautious about TBTF
The real chance of the FED raising interest rates in 2016 remains
close to zero.
The rubber band continues to stretch but be careful when it
Take advantage of the recent gains from the Brexit rebound but
don't lose sight of having a action plan to hold onto most of your
profitable trades before they become illusory.
But then - 'Tis Only My Opinion!
Fred Richards
August 1, 2016
Corruptisima republica plurimae leges. [The
more corrupt a republic, the more laws.] -- Tacitus, Annals III 27
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