'Tis Only My Opinion!™
August 2015 - Volume 35, Number 8
"Does it matter who is elected?"
There appears to be a plethora of Republican candidates standing
for election of the President of the U.S. in 2016 and about three
Democrats as I write this article. Citizens are going to be
hearing thousands of sound-bites and very little about real issues
and programs to attack them.
While the insertion of Donald Trump into the Republican campaign
may have infused the conservative base and caused consternation
among the Republican establishment, will this election really
change the course of our nation?
Is there really much difference between a Congress controlled by
Democrats or Republicans? Neither group really has given
anything but lip-service to the idea that actual spending is
out-of-control and future liabilities can not be sustained.
Important Issues given lip-service by politicians
It is my belief that there are certain issues that must be
addressed or we will lose the constitutional republic which was
founded in 1776. In no particular order, they include:
- An unwillingness to enforce the laws of the U.S. equally and
to not punish those who do. Likewise, laws must be debated and
understood by our elected representatives. No law should
be passed without the entire law being available to the members
of the press and Congress with sufficient time for review.
All laws should have a sunset provision.
- Entitlements cannot be met by current tax revenues,
i.e., social security, healthcare including Medicare, etc., and are estimated to be more than 10 times the current stated
federal cash debt of $17 trillion.
- Immigration and amnesty policies that mock those
who abide by the current legal system are unacceptable to me.
Sanctuary cities simply have no place in a lawful society and
those who advocate for them should be held accountable.
- A welfare system that makes it advantageous to not work
along with a ADC program that has completely changed the family
structure of the under-class. Allowing families with incomes in
excess of $250,000 per year to live in public housings seems
- A civil-service system that protects incompetence and allows
individuals to retire despite actions which would be subject to
immediate termination without pay in the private sector.
- A complex system of taxation that defies logic and is the
dream of lobbyists and politicians.
The U.S. is no longer a creditor nation!
The U.S. has a Gross Domestic Product of about $17 trillion
yearly and a GAAP debt that is in excess of $100 trillion. In
reality, the U.S. can only continue without a major financial crisis
until like Lehman Brothers someone says ... "the king has no
During the past decade, the role of the U.S. dollar as the
world's reserve currency has been shrinking. That role has
enabled the U.S. Treasury to borrow efficiently. If it no
longer continues in that role, the cost of financing the nation's
debt will materially increase.
"Not on my watch!"
A few central bankers i.e., Ben Bernanke of the U.S.
Federal Reserve, Mervyn King of the Bank of England and Jean-Claude
Trichet of the European Central Bank, breathed a sigh
of relief when their term of office expired so that the demise of
the U.S. and world economy did not occur during their watch.
Since 1913 when the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank came into being,
the institution has been led by individuals who were largely
beholden to the big bank interests both here and overseas. In
almost every major decision, the overriding concern was to keep the
large banks from failing and not necessarily in the interest of the
depositors and creditors of the financial institutions.
Keeping the TBTF alive --
The bailouts of 2008 and the payment of interest on deposits by
banks at the Federal Reserve were just another example of keeping
the TBTF institutions alive. As a result of Dodd-Frank's
regulations and the Consumer Finance Agency, the regulatory
requirements placed upon smaller and community banks has resulted in
a serious reduction in the number of banks in the U.S. since 2008.
As of December 31, 2008, the FDIC reported that there were 8,305
insured financial institutions. As of December 31, 2014, those had
decreased to 6,799.
Concentration of banking assets in the U.S. continues to grow
into the five largest banks,
JPMorgan Chase,
Bank of America,
Wells Fargo, and
Goldman Sachs.
With interest rates at historic lows and credit derivatives at
historic highs, a faltering world economy could generate
havoc in a cascading series of liquidity defaults. Prior to
the 2007-2008 financial meltdown, nominal world-wide credit
derivatives stood at about $750 trillion. Despite all the
hand-wringing of the last few years, today world-wide credit
derivatives are about $1,500 trillion, or nearly double.
Watch out for Black Swans!
The risk to the world with a faltering economy seen throughout
the emerging markets, a slowing of the China engine which has always
been less than officially reported, and no resolution to the
Eurozone debt picture other than kicking the can further down the
road has not abated.
Yet there are those who actually believe that it matters who is
elected President in the U.S. With the current slate of candidates
with the possible exception of Donald Trump, it would appear that
the continued growth of the national debt and bureaucracy is almost
assured irrespective of the ultimate winner.
What the black swan event will be cannot be stated but be assured
there are many potential black swan's swimming around the
The Presidency might set the tone but the real problem
lies in the judiciary and the bureaucracy.
The U.S. has become a country where exceptionalism and
self-reliance has given way to a different culture where those
qualities are no longer admired.
But irrespective of who wins the next Presidential election, the
real problem remains a federal-tenured judicial system and the
bloated and unresponsive bureaucracy. Congress has written
laws but has enabled many agencies assisted by special interest
groups to write regulations which have gone far beyond the intent of
the enabling legal language itself.
The recent interpretation of the "Clean Water Act" regarding
navigable waters is an example of the ambitious overreach of
activist groups. The EPA in conjuncton with the Bureau of Land
Management has in recent years attempted to place millions of
publicly-owned land off-limits to both commerical and recreational
When regulations are questioned as in Obamacare and the
National Labor Relations Board, the U.S.
Supreme Court writes opinions which overwrite the Constitution
wording and the common English language usage definitions.
Words no longer mean what is clearly stated in the Constitution, in
Congressional committee hearings and within debate on the floor of
Congress but now mean whatever five Supreme Court justices decide.
The number of government employees is only part of the
The growth of the federal, state and local governments as
programs have been added has increased the number of employees no
longer employed in the private and/or non-profit sectors. The
following graph shows non-farm payroll data since 1939 for the U.S.
which includes government employees.

The following graph shows the total number of
government employees at all levels during the same period.

While the percentage of "government" employees has grown from
about 4.5% in 1939 to today's 7%, the data is misleading as a
substantial number of non-government employees work on projects
funded by the various governmental agencies.
Thanks to the federal civil service laws, it is almost impossible
to terminate federal government employees including those in the post
office. As a result, within 75 miles of Washington, D.C., we
have six of the ten counties with the highest average per capita
income in the U.S. During the past 70 years, the number of
activist-led programs has multiplied. As a result, these
organizations have become dominated by individuals who have agendas
and like the power their Civil Service position provides.
Squeezing the Golden Goose
With the skewing of income tax receipts and almost 50% of U.S.
citizens paying no tax, the tax-the-rich ploy is about to kill the
golden goose.
The growing number of U.S. citizens giving up their citizenship
should serve as a wake-up call to our politicians but I doubt if
they really understand the frustrations of the productive
self-employed citizens.
Free-trade pacts have seen the shuttering of many industrial
plants in the U.S. and the destruction of highly-skilled,
well-paying manufacturing positions throughout the U.S. While
the tech sector has provided jobs, the skills of many of those in
manufacturing jobs can not be easily retrained.
Irrespective of who wins the Presidency and/or which party
controls Congress unless major changes are made to the
regulatory and financial framework of the country, there is little
hope for the retention of the constitutional republic.
There are simply too many low-information voters receiving
governmental assistance that make it difficult to address problems
in the economic fabric. The U.S. is on its way to becoming a
third-world country without a major change of direction.
Whether any candidate can exert sufficient change to make a
difference is unknown.
Realistically, do we really believe that any bureaucrat will want
to reduce the number of employees and programs under his/her
So how do you really solve the problem without putting the
citizens back to Pavlov's Level 1?
But then - 'Tis Only My Opinion!
Fred Richards
August 4, 2015
Corruptisima republica plurimae leges. [The
more corrupt a republic, the more laws.] -- Tacitus, Annals III 27
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