While the
Presidential election will change most of the political players, the basic
problems facing the
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demographics continue to change the face of the old dominant cultures.
The G-7 countries are aging faster than the emerging countries.
The demographic changes will alter the political landscape of many
countries through immigration policies that will effectively destroy the
basic historical values of the society.
The increased demand for diversity in legal systems and acceptable
languages is just one result of these changes.
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the Keynesian theory that governments could spend beyond their income might
have worked when the
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the national debt is headed towards infinity, GDP is now largely based upon
a consumer and service driven economy while the
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in a deleveraging environment, debt consumes equity until prices stabilize
and trust and credibility are restored.
The unwillingness to allow the economic cycle to function in a
capitalist society will end up destroying the capitalist society.
The economy is now learning the results of the “law of unintended
consequences” caused by failing to understand what the “moral hazard” risks
were. |
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the failure of political leaders in the G-7 countries to understand the
age-old conflicts arising from the basic differences between various
religious beliefs, century old tribal customs, and personal responsibility
and independence continues to create flash-points throughout the world. |
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the centers of innovation and education are moving away from the
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globalization continues to increase and positive capital flows are generated
where manufacturing and extractive industries exist which result in stronger
currencies. |
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· Eighth, those countries with high debt levels and lack of innovation will see increased relative interest rates and depreciating currency levels. |
The Election Aftermath
Barack Hussein
Obama was elected to be the President of the
His campaign
won despite Joe the Plumber. Rather it was Peggy the Moocher otherwise known as
Peggy Joseph, a Sarasota, Florida voter who was mesmerized by Obama’s rhetoric
of “redistribution of wealth” and believes like many others that:
“I won’t have to worry about putting gas in my car. I won’t have to worry about
paying my mortgage. You know. If I help (Obama), he’s gonna help me.”
Whether Obama
can accomplish those promises of a “free lunch, gas and a house” is uncertain
for the following reasons:
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His appointment of Rahm Emanuel as his
Chief-of-Staff would seem to suggest that bipartisanship unity is already dead. |
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The campaign promise to cut taxes on 95% of
Americans will be proven to be nothing but additional welfare.
Interestingly in many areas won by Obama, voters turned down a variety of
measures which increased taxes. If
Obama eliminates the Bush tax cuts and increases taxes in the next term, the
fate which befell Bush 41 after promising “read my lips, no new taxes” will
descend upon Obama. |
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Many of the promised social programs including
national health care and education will have to be pared back even if the
military budget is reduced by 25%. If the military budget is cut by 25%, expect wholesale resignations among top
military personnel and a withdrawal of American forces from most of Europe, the
Middle East,
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The new administration is likely to be tested
severely by
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The status of illegal immigrants could well provide
fireworks despite the downgrading of the issue during the campaign.
If amnesty is granted by Obama, expect problems to occur as evidenced by
the grass-roots opposition to Bush 43’s proposal. |
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A protracted fight for same-sex marriage or repeal
of Roe v. Wade decision on abortion is likely to further harden divisions within
the political arena. |
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Foreign aid for almost all areas other than Africa
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Obama is expected to further increase the research
budget for alternative fuels other than nuclear energy while simultaneously
reducing coal-based energy production.
Ethanol production will continue to be subsidized while the off-shore and
Alaskan drilling bans will be reinstated. |
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The changes in the makeup of the judiciary which
have seen a large number of vacancies will tend to move the country seriously
away from the Constitutional government formulated by the founders.
Obama will probably have at least three Supreme Court appointments during
his first term. |
concentration of the public on the cost of energy and peak oil has overshadowed
the very real concern that the supply of food is becoming critical throughout
the world. Environmental regulation, costs of seed and fertilizer, lack of clean
water and a reduction of productive land will converge to further restrict food
supplies in the next decade.
The one thing
that is certain is that the government share of GDP will increase and under
Obama may surpass 50% due to increasing programs and a declining GDP. In 1947,
the total government share of the economy was only 22% while as Bush II leaves
office, it is about 43%. The correct term for big government is simply socialism
and under Obama, we will continue to see more of it.
It is highly
doubtful that the economic problems will enable Obama to win a second term.
Obama’s International Problems
Obama has
promised to withdraw
Obama is also
faced with the Afghan problem which he has stated is the real war.
The Europeans are not very supportive of the conflict and the global
financial crisis will prevent them from providing much support.
Further, most European nations are woefully unprepared in both equipment
and manpower to assist in any major way.
Obama can continue the war but unless he is prepared to widen the
conflict into adjacent countries, he may only be able to reach a political
accord with the Taliban. If that
happens, Obama’s supporters both domestic and foreign may begin to wonder about
his resolve.
Obama will
also be facing challenges from both Putin and Medvedev on both the economic and
foreign policy fronts. The Russian
intervention into
Obama could
well ask the Europeans to resist the Russian moves.
However, the Europeans are in a difficult position as their energy needs
are provided by
While the
Europeans were euphoric about Obama’s election, the hard facts are that the
Europeans are in no position to provide troops and a revived NATO to confront
the Russians. Further, the Europeans are probably unwilling to support a global
financial system that doesn’t subordinate American financial authority to an
international bureaucracy. Perhaps during the next decade, both militarily and
financially, Russian influence may supplant American influence in
Obama like
many elected officials simply fail to understand the “art of the possible” and
the impact of the “law of diminished expectations.”
Moreover, in an extremely complex environment and society, it is almost
impossible to understand how a change can work or what the “law of unintended
consequences” will expose.
However, it is
easy to forget the size and resiliency of the
profits have been falling and until at least stabilization sets in, the outlook
for the major indices remains difficult.
While the P in the P/E ratio can fluctuate, it is the E factor that is
under pressure at this time. With
the new administration certain to increase the cost of regulation along with
corporate taxes and possibly, an excess profits tax, it is difficult to see how
corporate earnings will recover in the near-term.
A major
portion of the financial crisis can be laid at the foot of politicians, the
mortgage industry, investment banks, rating agencies, and institutions that
bought mortgage-back security tranches that were unable to perform due-diligence
or manage risk as well as investors who purchased homes thinking that prices
would continue to go higher.
Just like the
savings and loan crisis in the 1980’s, fortunes will be made by investors
willing to purchase the distressed tranches at pennies on the dollar by actually
looking at the collateral and payment histories.
Overall, most mortgages even sub-prime are being paid on a timely basis.
Even with the economy in a recession and a rising unemployment rate, not
all of these mortgages will go under unless the government action encourages
homeowners to cease paying their mortgages. The opportunity is there just like
in the 1980’s to make a killing as those currently holding the “distressed
paper” want out at any price.
The lack of
transparency in the CDS market needs to be addressed immediately.
If it takes a shut-down of the entire market structure for a few days
and/or weeks so that derivatives can be offset, that is the price required to
restore confidence even if some banks and/or institutions go under.
It is more important to restore confidence than to continue to use
taxpayer funds to bail out institutions whose management was instrumental in
causing the financial crisis.
The major
indices remain in a long-term bear market which began in 2000.
The rally that began in June 2004 and topped in October 2007 was simply a
bear market rally. The fall from the
October 2007 highs is simply the second leg down in the bear market.
The question
is then how to identify those sectors and/or companies that will produce profits
or increased purchasing power for investors going forward.
industries and coal companies are certainly ones that might be negatively
impacted by the new administration.
Companies in
the solar and clean energy fields could well benefit although the tax credit for
solar was extended for eight more years. It
is doubtful if nuclear energy will receive substantial report from the Greens.
Despite the many arguments against global warming that have surfaced
recently, it would appear the new administration might achieve a ratification of
the Kyoto Treaty. It will be ironic
if the Senate ratifies
It should be
evident that the consumer-driven economy in the
suggest that home-health-care industries might find increased opportunities.
Related health industries, however, might be negatively impacted by increased
national regulation including pharmaceutical companies.
A basic
problem for not only the
If overseas
workers are laid off because exports to the
To move beyond
the current malaise, we need to be seeking the next “big thing.”
In decades past, it was the auto, TV, air travel, or the internet that
sparked a significant change of direction in the economy.
It will be some new innovative idea, perhaps, nanotechnology, or
microbiology or agricultural breakthroughs that will be that spark.
However, without innovation and access to capital, the time-frame will
We are
probably only about halfway through the major bear market. It would appear that
the major indices are trying to find a bottom but the economic fundamentals are
failing to provide the necessary inputs that would help in making that judgment
Once a base is
formed at, or near, the bottom, I would expect that the market will be in a six
to twenty-four month consolidation pattern with the possibility of a trading
range of 20-30%.
We will
continue to look to invest in companies that have rising sales and rising
profits. While we expect there to be
fewer of them in the next six to twelve months, there will be opportunities for
our portfolios. We also believe
there will be declines which can be successfully shorted. Overall, closely
ratcheting stop-losses, and managing trading targets, will likely be critical
for investors trying to outperform short-term deposit accounts.
With the
financial crisis far from being over, prudent investors unwilling or unable to
closely monitor their portfolios might want to stay on the sidelines.
As always,
remember that the data you see is from the Ministry of Truth.
There is a considerable difference in making “decisions under
uncertainty” and making “decisions using bad data.”
Wise and successful investors know the difference.
Fred Richards
November 5, 2008
Corruptisima republica plurimae leges. [The more corrupt a republic, the more laws.] -- Tacitus, Annals III 27
This issue of 'Tis Only My Opinion was
copyrighted by Adrich Corporation in 2008.
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Last updated - September 18, 2008