'Tis Only my Opinion!February 1999 - Volume 19, Number 2When politics are conducted by polls, the mobs rule!The Lewinsky affair is not about sex, but Perjury, Obstruction of Justice, and the future of this country.The lock-step mentality of Democratic Senators in refusing to vote for impeachment of an admitted perjurer makes a mockery of the rule of law. The efforts of the majority to present an aura of fairness to the Democratic minority has resulted in hamstringing the House Managers presentation of the case. While the Democratic Senators agree that what the President has done is "wrong, irreprehensible, and deserves condemnation and censure" yet they don't want to remove an admitted felon from office for perjury and obstruction of justice as described in the Articles of Impeachment. Because the polls appear to say that the President is popular, Democratic Senators are reluctant to vote to impeach this President. Seems to me that the mob wanted Barabbas rather than Jesus so Pontius Pilate sent him to the cross. Well, the mob is often wrong. Senators are supposed to be statesmen but today's members on both sides of the aisle are mostly only politicians. Sadly, the impeachment trial of William Jefferson Clinton is a farce!Rather than confronting the issues and calling witnesses to the dock to judge their credibility directly, the Senate has shown itself to be willing to change its procedures in this impeachment to impede the House Managers case. Charles Ruff and Cheryl Mills can make significant errors of omission and commission in their presentations but are rebuked only mildly by the Chief Justice and the press. Yet, let one of the House Managers refer to the Senate as a Jury and Democratic Senator Harkin from Iowa raises a point of order. I hope the voters in Iowa are listening to their Senator's bid for a 10 second sound bite and decide to retire him at the next election. In every previous impeachment trial, witnesses were called and questioned by the House Managers and cross-examined by lawyers for the defense. To not allow the House Managers that opportunity in this case handcuffs the presentation significantly. This case is not about whether Clinton is guilty or not.Everyone agrees he is guilty! The real issue is not whether Clinton deserves to be removed for sexual improprieties and all the other scandals from the "most ethical administration in history" but to keep power for the Democratic Party. It is about the retention of power . . . Rather the Democratic Senators are willing to keep a felon as the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the US rather than removing him from office. Makes me wonder if the old joke that Al Gore is Clinton's best insurance policy is really true! The silence is deafening from the liberals who champion women's rights.If any other Chief Executive Officer of any public or non-public company in the US had a sexual relationship, consensual or not, with an intern or low level employee, the odds of their remaining in office are slim or zero. But William Jefferson Clinton is apparently above the law which he signed into law. But for the Democrats, their position on sexual harassment is exposed as only political, not real! Where are the liberal religious leaders, the media and journalistic pundits, and the academic ethics professors calling for the resignation of this President? They have loudly proclaimed their belief in women's rights and the need for laws to protect women from abusers and sexual harassment.. If this were a Republican President, the howls for the President's scalp would be loud and angry. But for William Jefferson Clinton, the majority of these supposed moral leaders are strangely silent. Maybe they believe that two standards should apply, one for the President and one for ex-Senator Robert Packwood and Supreme Court Justice Thomas. Blumenthal's Lies or misrepresentationsWhen Sidney Blumenthal can testify before the grand jury and then immediately appear on the Court House steps and misrepresent (defined as "lying") the questions which were asked in the grand jury without having to resign from his taxpayer-funded office is simply beyond my understanding. Moreover, Anthony Lewis, columnist for the New York Times which likes to call itself the "paper of record" runs his column that slams the Starr investigation based upon Blumenthal's representations. In his June 29, 1998 column -- slugged "Questions that Degrade" -- Lewis wrote:
But according to transcripts of Blumenthal's grand jury testimony, released four months after the NEW YORK TIMES column ran, that question
No. It was a general question not tied to any particular reality. Another question that prosecutors never asked!
The NEW YORK TIMES even worked some of the phony questions into its news copy.
Seven months later, Bennet still has not informed his readers that Blumenthal's statements were false. And columnist Lewis has never straightened up his mess for the "newspaper of record." Of course not, these are liberals and accountable only to themselves.! Ms. Smeal . . . where are your principles!How my former high school classmate, Ms. Smeal, the President of NOW, can continue to support the antics of this President makes me question the entire agenda presented by her organization and others like it. Ms. Smeal's support of President Clinton shows the hypocrisy of the feminist agenda. Either you believe in something all the way, or you are willing to accept a double standard. And double standards are dangerous to the future of this country. By supporting the President, NOW has set back sexual harassment enforcement many years. But of course, the Lewinsky affair was about consensual sex so "who cares." Well, many Americans do care that a sitting President can debase our Oval office in this manner. As one of my HBS classmates recently said, "You don't do that." A Defining Moment in the History of AmericaAt the founding of the Republic, Benjamin Franklin said, "We have given you a Republic, if you can keep it." The current impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton is a defining moment in our history. Either the President is impeached and removed from office, or the Senate has agreed to retain an admitted felon as the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the U.S. The nation will no longer have one set of rules for all people (albeit, sometimes imperfectly applied) but will have officially acknowledged that some citizens, particularly, those in power will be permitted to decide which laws that they may obey! If this is the outcome, the fall of the Republic will not be long in coming. If, however, Senators on both sides of the aisle decide to impeach and remove President Clinton, a loud message will be sent to the citizens that no one is above the law. Parents will not have to explain how a President, an admitted felon, does not have to obey laws which they have. The effect on the moral fabric of this country of either decision will be significant for years to come. History will be the final judge of whether the U.S. will regain its standing as a world leader, or continue along its slide into third-world status. What failing to remove this President really means.If the Senate fails to impeach and remove this President from office, it means that this President will:
But the real case against Clinton is still under wraps!The secrecy surrounding the Cox Committee report suggests that Clinton is in deep trouble for his Chinese campaign contributions and the quid pro quo which he had to deliver to obtain them. In his January 1999 remarks before the RNC, Representative Christopher Cox in effect called William Jefferson Clinton a "traitor" to America. The transfer of sensitive missile technology, encryption algorithms, etc., have thrust China's military into a major military superpower. Some might even consider these transfers as traitorous acts. And to make it even worse, the Clinton Administration has provided training by the Green Berets to the Chinese Army. Yet, the Chinese Communist party continues to jail reformers and dissidents without even a trial. I guess that the Americans want their low-cost prison made garments and toys so badly that they are willing to overlook the human rights offenses. Well, why not, the populace is supposedly not worried about having a felon as President. What the Chinese really want.Peter Windram, a MSNBC producer, says it well . . .
It may already be too late!
The transfer of technology to the Chinese has advanced their military capabilities by several years. Today, the DF-31 missile can hit many of our Western Cities from bases in China. According to Bill Gertz writing in the January 13, 1999 issue of the Washington Times, (the entire article)
The Chinese have recently taken steps to reinforce their presence in the Spratley Islands thus compromising the shipping lanes between Japan, Taiwan and the Port of Singapore and beyond. Economic conditions in China are deteriorating with the collapse of the Pacific Rim countries. China's birth control policy has created an large surplus in the number of men (e.g., foot soldiers) available for its expansion forces. The China nation is truly awakening and beginning to stretch its might. As one individual stated on the Free Republic bulletin board recently,
The Panama Canal is controlled by the ChineseFor over 80 years, the ability of the United States to operate as a two ocean Navy with significant sea-lift capacity has hinged largely upon our having access to the Panama Canal. In any future scenario, our access to the Canal may be seriously compromised unless we are willing to use immediate force to take control of the Canal. In WorldNetDaily 10/19/98 Edward G. Oliver writes
Moorer pointed out that Panama Ports Company (PPC) controls four of Panama's major ports. He identified PPC's principal owners as: Billionaire Li Ka-Shing (reportedly an ally "as close as lips and teeth" to Beijing, which offered Ka-Shing the governorship of Hong Kong ); Li Ka-Shing owns PPC's parent company, Hutchinson-Whampoa Ltd., China Resources Enterprise, an arm of the Chinese government identified as an "agent of espionage" by Sen. Fred Thompson. The entity is also a solid partner with the Lippo Group, owned by the Riady family of Indonesia, also identified as possible espionage agents for the People's Liberation Army. He also pointed out that the deal granting sweeping concessions to Hutchinson-Whampoa states that the company has the right to pilot all ships through the canal, raising the specter of the Chinese piloting U.S. Navy ships -- or refusing to -- after the U.S. hands over complete control next year. Moorer attacked as illegal Panama's "Law #5," which permits other military forces, defense sites and installations in the canal zone and raised concerns about infiltration of Panama again by drug lords. In contrast to the indifference displayed by the State Department about Hutchinson's grip on the canal ports, the admiral expressed grave concern before the committee. "Hutchinson-Whampoa controls countless ports around the world," he said. "My specific concern is that this company is controlled by the Communist Chinese. They have virtually accomplished, without a single sot being fired, a stronghold on the Panama Canal, something which took our country so many years to accomplish -- the building and control of the Panama Canal, along with military and commercial access in our own hemisphere ..Moorer expressed frustration with the Clinton administration's approach to national security as the date Dec. 31, 1999, nears -- the date the U.S. relinquishes the last vestiges of control over the canal . Moorer continued:
The Navy is in trouble.Our navy has been reduced in size under Clinton from over 600 ships to today's 300 ship fleet. Almost every ship that sails is seriously understaffed. In 1998, the Navy failed to meet its quota of new enlistees for the first time since the all-volunteer force was created. Force reductions and extended deployments have also caused the reenlistment rate to be the lowest in 20 years. Or as James Webb said in a speech at the NAVAL INSTITUTE CONFERENCE at the U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD on April 25, 1996.
Tailhook - the cost to the Navy and the country caused by the feminists who still stand by this admitted felon.The Tailhook fiasco crippled many of the fleets finest fighting officers and today's Admirals are primarily political admirals who have acquired politically correct agendas. Webb also discussed the effect on Navy morale of Tailhook.
Whether they can command the respect of their subordinates is of little importance to today's civilian Pentagon officials, all that matters is whether they meet the politically correct requirements. Today's newest carrier, the USS Truman, is undergoing sea trials with a crew that is seriously undermanned. As a result, its officers and men are routinely putting in 12 hour days, seven days a week. Our continental U.S. borders are guarded by only 16 alert aircraft and half of these are National Guard units. Here's hoping they don't have to sortie. Our reduction in force since 1992 under Clinton would have made the third largest armed force in the world. Scary thought! Clinton's real legacy is what?For the admitted felons real legacy is a demilitarized country unable to meet its commitments to our own national security thanks to the Chinese espionage scandal and a country which has lost its moral compass that the rest of the world admired throughout most of the 20th Century. Only the removal of this President from office via the impeachment process will retard the momentum of the decay of this country. Anything less, censure and/or statement of facts is tantamount to a slap on the wrist and says to our children and our citizens, lying and/or perjury, defining words so narrowly that only the verbalizer can know their meaning, obstruction of justice and selling out your country and its ideals is o.k. What a legacy, Bill Clinton will have left us in his desperate quest to retain power. But then - - 'Tis Only My Opinion! Fred Richards This issue of 'Tis Only My Opinion was copyrighted by Adrich Corporation in February 1999. All rights reserved. Quotation with attribution is encouraged. Tis Only My Opinion is intended to provoke thinking, then dialogue among our readers.
Last updated - July 3, 2008 |