'Tis Only My Opinion is suspended due to health concerns.

Adrich Corporation

Since 1965 ...

Current Outlook

"Trump 47"

The Trump 2nd Inauguration is over and a blizzard of Executive Orders are signed.  The pardon of the J6 defendants shows that  Trump is keeping his promises to the electorate. 

Probably the most contentious order concerns birth-right citizenship and was the first one to be challenged in court.

Within hours of taking the oath, Trump sat for a non-scripted press briefing while signing many Executive Orders ... overturning many of the Biden-era policies.  What a comparison to Biden!

Deportation of illegals began almost immediately as ICE sought to deport members of violent gangs initially. The number of illegals crossing the border dropped significantly on the days following the inauguration.  

The Biden era saw many government reports that will need to be restated as the economy is facing more headwinds than the over-heated stock market pretends.

Full-time jobs in the private sector continue to deteriorate. A sign that U.S. manufacturing capability continues to decrease.  Do you really believe the Biden jobs data?

Economic data is revised and methodology changed to present a false picture for the public.

Major U.S. real estate companies are declaring bankruptcy as U.S. interest rates approach 6%. Both credit card and auto loans are looking at increasing delinquency rates.

The growth in credit card debt is greater than the growth in personal income as individuals try to maintain their standard of living.

Take a look at credit card delinquencies, slowing new home sales, increased car loan repossessions, increased farm sales, increased unemployment claims ... do you really see a healthy economy.

Problems of military escalation on every front from the Mideast, Ukraine, and China and Latin America continue to face the Trump Administration.

With the current stated federal debt above $35 trillion (about 200% of true GDP) and the GAAP federal debt over $220 trillion, the day of reckoning is just around the corner.

China, India and Japan have all dumped a sizeable portion of their holdings of U.S. government debt during the last six months.

Do not be surprised if the NASDAQ falls through 8,000, the SPX to 2,500 and the DJIA sees the 25,000 level.

Remember -- "Only purchasing power counts!"

Remember to ... "Keep It Safe, Simple and Stay Focused!" going forward.

Fred Richards
January 24, 2025 

Fred Richards' has published his 'Tis Only My Opinion articles for many years on a wide range of subjects and many are archived here. The current article is highlighted above.

Mr. Richards is a graduate of SMU and HBS, and a member of Who's Who in the World since 1965.

In 2017, Mr. Richards received the Marquis Who's Who Lifetime Achievement award.

Last updated - January 25, 2025
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